Enrollment is due June 1; therefore routes will be made and distributed by August 1. Bus riding families will have one week to review for a drop or add period. The Transportation Committee chairman must be notified of any changes by August 8. The routes will then be reworked (if necessary), completed, and distributed by August 22. These will be the final routes. Those families who wish to add after the August 22 deadline must go to the nearest established pickup point. No new stops will be created after the deadline.
In the event of a family moving to a new house at any time through the school year, a change in bus stops will be worked out with the family, within reason. This may include a new stop on an established route or a pickup point.
Each bus driver will establish a seating chart for their bus. This chart must be followed. This is a policy that local police departments look for and is a good safety practice.
Any family desiring to have extra riders ride home with their children for sleepovers, birthday parties, or any other reason, must fill out a request form, available in the school office, stating the date of their request, which bus it will be on, and how many extra riders to expect. The Transportation Supervisor will either approve or deny the request based on the capacity of the bus. This form must be submitted two days prior to the requested date. Non-bus paying families who desire to have children dropped off at a special stop will not be considered.